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We all know that Gen 2 is going to be here in a few months, I felt like I needed to make a educated guess at how they will be using a new system to evolve the next generation of pokemon.
As everyone is already aware, there are many easter eggs on Pokemon Go, Such as Pikachu and Eevee jumping on your sholder after 10km of walking when they are your buddy Pokemon.
In the Pokemon gold, silver games and beyond, Pokemon evolved after being friendly.. This could be a clue to how you get that much wanted Umbreon and Espeon and this depends on if its day or night on which they evolve into... Naw
When the next generation comes forth I believe you will have had to walked so far with your Eevee and then the Evolution tab to spend candies to evolve your pokemon would be unlocked. Of course this is all theory but makes sense that this is how they would do it.
For those not thhat familar with Pokemon,
this could work for the following Pokemon.
Golbat > Crobat
Night> Umbreon
Chansey > Blissy
Pichu > Pikachu
Cleffa > Clafairy
Igglybuff > Jigglypuff
Togepi > Togetic
Thanks for reading. Happy Pok'emon hunting!
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